Benchmarking - External Cost of Quality - 2023 - 07-12

Please enter your data for the External Cost of Quality figures for July - December 2023.


Reject Rate: Cartons rejected per million (pre-sort) 

Defect Rate: Cartons rejected per million (post-sort or rework)  

Number of Customer Complaints ÷ Total Jobs (factory orders) 

Claim Dollars ÷ Total Sales Dollars

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These are cartons that your buyer returned to you with a complaint before you reviewed the materials.

The number of cartons reviewed and confirmed problems were found.

The calculation of customer complaints (multiple complaints for a single run can be counted as one complaint) divided by the total number of orders or jobs performed.

It will be a very small number.

Calculate your claim dollars and divide it by your total sales dollars. It will be a very small number.